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Durham Research Collectives Owner sitting behind a desk
Resources for Black Entrepreneurs

多年来,黑人小企业主和他们的社区面临着非同寻常的挑战. SCORE正在重申我们的承诺,成为解决方案的一部分. 我们在这里为您提供应对和克服任何商业挑战的工具,以便您取得成功.

Portia White, Owner of Better with a Cup Of Coffee

Before most Black entrepreneurs even open their doors, they face a range of obstacles, 从缺乏资金到难以获得政府项目,更不用说在此过程中遇到的偏见和种族主义.

Portia分享道:“作为一个企业主,我学到的第一件事就是团队中没有“我”. I will always need help. This is the main reason why I reached out to SCORE."

Read about Portia's Success
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SCORE商业导师可以帮助你开始、成长或转型你的企业. 输入您的邮政编码,以便与您附近的商业专家进行匹配!

Hear from our Mentors!

Head shot of Cynthia Rhodes
Cynthia Rhodes

"As a small business owner, 是谁为我自己的事业找到了成功的秘诀,并帮助其他公司和机构取得了成功, SCORE为企业家和企业主提供了一个途径,让他们接触到像我这样不仅会倾听的人, 而是倾听他们的声音,不加评判地引导他们走向成功,只有他们自己才能在生活和事业的特定时刻定义成功."

Headshot of Willie Johnson
Willie R Johnson

"My interest in becoming a SCORE Mentor 这源于我希望花时间帮助有抱负的企业家,在他们的道路上为他们提供不同的资源和指导. 我相信,作为一名经验丰富的企业主,在当地社区的成长和志愿服务是一种奇妙的回馈方式."

Headshot of Sheryl Mays
Sheryl Mays

"I am a business and personal coach, working with individuals on business development, motivaiton, inspiration and tools to achieve their goals. 我总是带着理解和使用专门用于交流的模型的意图去倾听, insight and to gain a better understanding of the issues."


With SCORE by your side, you don't have to go it alone. SCORE帮助了无数黑人企业家在他们的小企业中获得成功. 看看SCORE如何帮助一些小企业主开始并发展他们的小企业. Yours could be the next success story!

Tonyia Smith, Owner of Silver Slice Bakery
Silver Slice Bakery
Silver Slice Bakery的成功:利用SCORE的指导扩大其无麸质披萨饼皮业务, including a partnership with Hormel Foods.
Chris Gauthier and Jerry Dutreuil
Health Sitter Solutions LLC
健康保姆解决方案:用于全国医院的远程患者视频监控. A unique subscription model with 24/7 support.
Michelle Williams and Stephanie Aiesi
Kidney Innovations
肾脏创新:改变佐治亚州萨凡纳的医疗保健教育. 我们的肾绿道项目利用技术来帮助慢性肾病患者. Proud SCORE client.
When Candice Cohen, Founder and CEO, of Cohen Brand Management, 获商业促进局商业火炬奖
Casco Bay Owner and Employee
Casco Bay Cleaning
马纳斯从卢旺达咖啡到卡斯科湾清洁服务的鼓舞人心的旅程——一个坚韧的故事, entrepreneurship, and community impact. SCORE 2023 Awardee.
Tonyia Smith, Owner of Silver Slice Bakery
Tonyia Smith, Owner of Silver Slice Bakery
Small Business Journey

“我向任何想要创业或已经在创业的人推荐SCORE.  Success is always under construction. 导师们所拥有的经验和知识是我迄今为止读过的任何一本书中都没有的. 知道你并不孤单,你会得到工具,感觉很好, insight, inspiration, knowledge, 继续你的创业之旅的动力和理解." 

Check Out Her Journey
Resources for Black Entrepreneurs

Not sure where to begin? 看看这些针对黑人企业家的文章和资源.

少数族裔企业如何缩小种族贫富差距,重建美国.S. Economy
Nahla Davies深入研究了这种差距对所有企业的影响,并提供了促进平等的建议.
10 Essential Resources for Black Business Owners
有专门为黑人拥有的企业提供教育、支持和资助的项目. Black entrepreneurs can benefit from these resources.
black business owner facing camera smiling


As a black-owned business, 掌握克服系统性障碍所需的金融知识和专业知识是至关重要的, seize opportunities and build a thriving business.

优化金融知识,赋予黑人拥有的企业权力, leading to increased financial stability, access to capital, wealth creation and resilience in the face of challenges.

man going over his finances
12 Funding Options for Black-Owned Businesses
帮助黑人所有的企业找到最好的资金来源, 我们向首席执行官和商业领袖询问了这个问题,以获得他们的最佳见解. From the iFundWomen of Color Program to Reign Ventures, 对于黑人企业主来说,有几种选择可以为他们的企业获得资金. 
Black business owners
Two businessmen shaking hands in agreement
7 Ways to Support Black-Owned Businesses
探索支持黑人企业的有效策略, including increasing visibility, direct engagement, 建立伙伴关系,倡导公平,促进商业世界的创新和多样性.
Volunteer with SCORE

Support small businesses in your community. SCORE正在寻找具有不同背景和经验的人担任各种角色-从知识渊博的商业导师到当地社区倡导者.

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Washington, DC 20002

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, 及/或在此表达的建议是作者的意见,并不一定反映本局的意见.

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